Sugar Alert – The Scourge of Diabetes


 By Dean L. Jones, C.P.M.

Unfortunately, if not inflicted personally, we have family, friends, neighbors or associates that suffer from the diabetes disease.  Type 2 diabetes is preventable by paying attention to the food and beverages consumed.  Although there is a lot to this disease, this week I received an email from an associate who gracefully shows why health matters.

“Hi Dean,

Well, I won’t be able to meet this month; my life has changed, for the better.  I was hospitalized on July 15th and I am still here in the hospital. I lost my left foot due to being diabetic; it was a shock to me, not for losing my foot, but that God is working through me in this way.  Even though being diabetic was the shocker, I never question the Lord in how or what happens to me, he works in mysterious ways, but gets his message across to us.  I was rather surprised too, but then when the doctors told me I was Diabetic, I understood why I was going through this stage of my life, as he wants me to become a spokesperson for the Diabetic Community.  So, I really have no I’ll feelings about my condition.

While my foot was amputated I had a mild heart attack, and have been getting it treated until last Friday, when I was due to have a triple bypass, but instead they put 4 stents on my heart to allow more air to flow through the heart. It is a lot I know, but God has been by my side all along, as I am grateful and very blessed.  I now have work to do, after the healing process, and that’s to get the word out. I’ll soon have another foot so I’ll still be able to get around and be normal, so that’s what God wants me to do.

I am now waiting to go to a rehab facility to continue my treatment, until I get my Prosthetic leg. So that’s my reason for me not attending the POWER Collaborative Network meetings, because I have been dying to get back to work in any way possible. I hope all is still going well for you and the members of the group.

By the way I certainly didn’t mean to shock you with this news, sorry, but things like this can and do happen to us, and we accept and try to understand that our lord is sending us a message and we then do all we can to try and save someone else from being in this position.  I truly believe I was chosen to be in this position by God and I’m so blessed.

I will be chatting with you soon Dean.  Thanks for listening to me, and God Bless You.

Mr. Jones is a marketing strategist with the Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), sharing his view on mismanagement practices of packaged foods & beverages.