By Dean L. Jones
It is commonly accepted that the term breakfast is synonymous with a food meal. In fact the word ‘breakfast’ actually means to break the fast. For a customary sleep routine, the fast or nonparticipation period is roughly the eight-hour overnight span where our bodies undergo a mini-absence from food and beverages. In view of that, breakfast is not a meal, but is an act of doing something to nourish the body and mind after the fast, thus taking a break from going without food.
Fasting is a worldwide activity, predominantly used for a variety of reasons by organized religions. Even so, there can be health benefits derived from fasting which is undoubtedly why it is a natural part of our daily living. So, how we go about breaking our fast can affect wellness, and the same goes for eating wrongly after a fast can be harmful to our health.
Along these lines, abstaining from food/beverages for a long period places the body in a vulnerable state. For this reason, be mindful when breaking the fast to avoid immediately spiking blood sugar (glucose) levels. Because, blood sugar level is the amount of glucose present in the blood of a human or animal necessary to stimulate the pancreas organ to make insulin (needed to regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates). I should mention here that reducing the consumption of added sugar reverses bad cholesterol and high blood pressure in the body.
A lot of advertisements from some restaurant chains address their all day breakfast menu. When we follow this traditional concept of eating breakfast foods we are not automatically eating something that works in favor of breaking the fast as breakfast is not a meal but an activity. For instance, so called breakfast items if not tempered with some more wholesome plant-based food groups can be trouble.
The recommended daily allowance of sodium is 1,500 milligrams, judged against a McDonald’s Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit that has 1260-milligrams of sodium and 3-grams of high fructose corn syrup. Breaking the fast with something like this may not be a good idea since it will considerably heighten your thirst from the excessive sodium content, and except for drinking plain water the accompanying beverages sold at restaurant chains are basically liquid sugar, whereas by this means adding to unfavorably spiking blood sugar levels.
There is a breakfast challenge that a mounting number of prescription drug product makers are taking advantage of purporting to control blood sugar levels, particularly those people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Couple this with the World Health Organization’s newly reclassification of processed meat (bacon, sausages, ham, hot dogs, red meat, etc.) as carcinogenic to humans, and linking it specifically to colon, or colorectal cancer, making it a definite no-brainer that it is vital to live SugarAlert!
Mr. Jones is a marketing strategist with the Southland Partnership Corporation (a public benefit organization), sharing his view on mismanagement practices of packaged foods & beverages.